


来源:点击:时间:2024-06-12 08:24
本文摘要:Facebook users will soon be able to dislike posts and pictures on their feeds.Facebook用户迅速就可以“dislike”订阅者内容里别人放的帖子和图片了。

Facebook users will soon be able to dislike posts and pictures on their feeds.Facebook用户迅速就可以“dislike”订阅者内容里别人放的帖子和图片了。The social networking sites founder Mark Zuckerberg revealed Facebook is working on the feature following years of requests for the function.在大家敦促Facebook减少这一功能数年之后,这家社交网站的创始人马克丠克伯格透漏,Facebook正在研究该功能。He said users of the site wanted to express feelings other than liking.他说道,Facebook用户期望能传达“拜”以外的感情。Zuckerberg gave examples of times when users might like to dislike posts, such as when people post about family members who have died.扎克伯格得出了用户有可能想用于“dislike”功能的例子,比如当人们公布亲人去世的消息时。

As reported by business insider.com, Zuckerberg told a question and answer session at Facebooks headquarters: I think people have asked about the dislike button for many years.《商业内幕》网站报导称之为,扎克伯格在一项在Facebook总部举办的解说活动上回应:“我感觉人们早已拒绝减少‘dislike’按钮很多年了。”Today is a special day because today is the day I can say were working on it and shipping it.“今天是个类似的日子,因为今天我再一可以告诉他大家我们正在研究并将发售‘dislike’按钮。”Zuckerberg said he believes users of the site dont want to use dislike to be negative towards other people.扎克伯格说道,他指出Facebook的用户并想用‘dislike’按钮来驳斥他人。

He said: What they really want is the ability to express empathy.他说道:“他们确实想的是需要传达自己的同情。”He said Facebook had been working on the feature for some time and was hoping to launch it in the near future.他说道Facebook早已研究这个按钮有一段时间了,期望可以在近期月发售。No date was given for when it would be available.扎克伯格没得出‘dislike’按钮的明确发售日期。

